Monday, November 25, 2024

Session Catalog is available for Elevate 2025

New this year are 4 separate cafe chat sessions running concurrently after the keynote:

  • PowerBuilder 2025
  • PowerBuilder Roadmap
  • PowerServer
  • General Topics

There will be a seperate registration for the cafe chats.  Other than that, the first day (Monday December 2nd) is a single track.  On the second date (Tuesday December 3rd) there will two sessions running concurrently for most of the day.

The session catalog is available at

Friday, October 25, 2024

Registration is open for Elevate 2024

Registration is now open for Elevate 2024, which will happen on December 2nd and 3rd.

More information on the conference is available here.  Like most of the Elevate conferences since 2020 this will be a free multi-day online conference with keynotes on the morning of the first day and tech sessions on the afternoon of the first day and all of the next day.

The sessions and tracks listings aren't available yet, but there are 14 community presenters so I'm expecting there will be quite a few sessions. 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

PowerBuilder 2025 Public Beta is open

The beta is available at  The beta period closes on December 31, 2024.

New Features include 

  • A new Solution option that stored the source code in plain text and uses a new multi-threaded compiler that dramatically increases compilation speed and improves the stability of the IDE
  • Numerous improvements to the code editor 
  • Options in the menu painter that facilitate setting properties for a RibbonBar and allowing the export of the RibbonBar export directly from the menu.
  • A new .Net DataStore project
  • A secure connection encryptor so that you can store encrypted database connection information in the application INI file or source code.
  • Better support for high DPI.
  • Better support for multiple monitors
  • Ability to create PDF forms from the PDFBuilder object
  • Many others....

Also, during the beta testing period, Appeon is offering customer to upgrade their current licenses from Standard Edition to Professional Edition at no charge.  At the end of their current license period, customers can choose to renew at the Professional level or revert to the Standard Edition.  Additional details are provided on the PowerBuilder 2025 Beta test page.

Monday, August 05, 2024

Missions Trip to the Navajo Nation - 2024

This was my second time out, you can read about the first time at Missions Trip to the Navajo Nation.  Each day we had a scripture of the day and a devotional at out group meeting before heading out.  We did last year as well, I just didn't mention it.  This year I've included the scripture passage for the day for each day. 

This year we didn't have the first aid/CPR classes (the person that lead them last year had a scheduling conflict).  We also didn't have Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) classes for the adults.  Just the crafts and basketball camp.  The team size was about half of last year ( about 30 last year, about 15 this year.  Last year summer school was still in session and so a number of the kids were brought over by their teachers during the event to participate.  Because we were there just over a month later this year summer school was over except for one special education class.  That meant that the total number of kids we saw was lower than last year.  Similar to last year, attendance at the event grew from Monday through Wednesday and then tapered off again on Thursday and Friday.  

Saturday, July 6h

Travel day.  Since most people who were going out of town for the holiday have already gone a few days ago, traffic was pretty light and we made good time to Winslow.  We're carpooling, but there are still six different vehicles heading out.  I have three additional people with me.  Was supposed to be four, but one guy injured himself in a fall the day before we left and the doctor wanted him to stay home and rest.  We aren't caravanning though as we all left at different times.  Instead we use Life360 to see where everybody is at and message each other.  At least when we have cell signal, it gets a little spotty in some of desert (although my vehicle has a cell signal booster on it so I had fewer issues there).

Sunday, July 7th

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord.  Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope you have.  But do this with gentleness and respect.  - 1 Peter 3:15

Church service at Dilkon Church of the Nazarene (DilkonNaz).  Then to Dilcon Community School to do setup for the event.  The entire group got some rudimentary training in TBRI so we could implement it during the events.  Primarily focused on motor meter, choices, compromises, redos and redirecting.  (For the record, I've had the full TBRI training previously).  As with last year, I'm primarily helping the kids do Legos in the craft event.  This year we added Hydrophobic sand (often called Kinetic Sand, although that is a brand name) as another craft activity the kids could do.

Monday, July 8th

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.  Each of you should look, not only to your own interests, but also to the interest of others. - Philippians 2:3-5

The first day of the events.  Big difference this year is that the senior pastor of DilkonNaz is heading up the coaching for the basketball camp.  Last year he stopped by and visited a couple of days and then left because he had denomination meetings he needed to attend out of state.   Afterward we made the obligatory stop at "Standing on a Corner" in downtown Winslow.

Pastor Ferlin Nez of DilkonNaz

Tuesday, July 9th

Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity.  Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response from everyone.  - Colossians 4:5-6

A Community Health Fair was being held at the Dilcon Community School simultaneously with our event.  One of the speakers at the event is an official with a school in Flagstaff that, using TBRI techniques, took their school from the very bottom rankings to just short of an A rating in a few years.  The leader of our group had been trying to contact them for some time, and got the opportunity to hear them speak and make contact with them because of the fair.

Wednesday, July 10th

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms. - 1 Peter 4:10

You can feel the trust levels building between the local adults and kids and our team over the last couple of days.  Last year we pretty much did the crafts by ourselves.  This time by Wednesday the women from DilkonNaz are helping out with the crafts.  After the event we went back to DilkonNaz and the local women made use a dinner of Navajo tacos (the primary difference being that the shell is Navajo fry bread).

Thursday, July 11th

May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word. - 2 Thessalonians 2:16

As indicated earlier, attendance has dropped off a bit.  After the event we went to have dinner at the cultural center at the Hopi Reservation.  I had Hopi tacos so I could see what the difference was between the Hopi and Navajo tacos.  The fry bread seems a little softer in Hopi tacos.  I don't know if that's typical, or just the way is was prepared there.

Friday, July 12th

God is not unjust, he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as yo have helped his people and continue to help them. - Hebrews 6:10

Last day of the event.  We left a lot of the craft materials behind so that the school and church could use them.  On the way back we stopped off at the Homolovi State Park.  Although located in the southern end of the Navajo Reservation, the State Park is centered around Hopi ruins and features an exhibit on Hopi Code Talkers.   Normally when you hear about Code Talkers it's about those from the Navajo tribe, but Code Talkers came from a number of different tribes.

Saturday, July 13th

Travel back home.  Traffic wasn't bad, but the weather was interesting.  One of the other vehicles was 30 to 60 minutes ahead of me and when they got close to the Barstow area they hit sand storms so thick that traffic on the 40 slowed to a crawl.  By the time my vehicle got to the same location the sand storms had died down and instead we experienced intermittent rain.  That other vehicle also stopped in Barstow to eat and while they were there the storm caused electrical issues that took down the power for a large section of the city, including the place they were eating at.   We decided not to attempt stopping in Barstow as a result and just passed on through.


Despite the lower number of team members and attendees, I was actually happier with the results of this trip than the previous one.  They say that when you want to train someone to do something there are four phases (and people argue that this is the approach that Jesus took with His disciples):

  • They watch you do it.
  • They help you do it.
  • You help them do it.
  • You watch them do it.

Last year it felt like we were primarily doing phase 1.  A large part of that is because this was the first trip that Saddleback had made to the reservation since COVID.  We were pretty much starting over.  This year it seems that the basketball portion of the camp was on phase 3 already ( the pastor of the church heading up the coaching ) and the crafts were on phase 2 ( the woman from the church helping with the crafts). 

Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Elevate 2024

Appeon announced in their May 2024 newsletter that Elevate 2024 will be an online event on December 2-3, 2024.  They also indicated that the call for papers will open in June of 2024.