Wednesday, June 10, 2015

PowerBuilder Worldwide Survey 2015

Novalys and Appeon have partnered on the latest survey.  Provide your input on this years survey and, as always, obtain access to the results from last years.

Tuesday, June 09, 2015

New version of Definitive DataWindow

An updated version of the Definitive DataWindow is now available on Amazon as a Kindle book.  The updates make it current to PowerBuilder 12.

PowerBuilder TV Webinar: Scorever (formerly YouHoops): Designing and Delivering a Cloud-Based Mobile Scorekeeping Solution with SAP PowerBuilder and Appeon

Date: TBA
Presenter: Ronnie Po

With the arrival of Appeon Mobile, developers can now create native apps for today’s mobile devices while leveraging the unique productivity advantages of PowerBuilder. However, the task of delivering an engaging user experience on a mobile device presents unique challenges compared to the traditional client-server or web-driven desktop environment.  In this session, Ronnie Po will present a case study about the development and implementation of Scorever (formerly YouHoops), a mobile scorekeeping and scoreboard controller application for basketball games, built with PowerBuilder and deployed to the cloud using Appeon Mobile. He will discuss some of the technical challenges encountered and will reveal some tips and tricks employed to address considerations such as:

  • creating an app-like user experience
  • managing user sessions transparently
  • minimizing the distraction of inconsistent server response times

PowerBuilder TV Webinar: Mobile UI/UX with PowerBuilder

09/08/2015 9:00 AM PST (Los Angeles) / 18H00 CET ( Paris)
Presenter: Armeen Mazda

This session shares the real-life experience of a US software vendor in their quest to develop attractive and user-friendly mobile apps in PowerBuilder for their 400+ customer sites. This is a technical-focused session that illustrates how you can break the traditional client/server mold and develop apps that your users will love. You will see how to lay out the UI properly, incorporate new gestures, display large amounts of data in limited space, add new mobile-specific controls, integrate maps, make phone calls, and much more.

PowerBuilder TV Webinar: Off the Grid: Migrating Sometimes Connected PowerBuilder Apps with Appeon

7/15/2015 @ 9:00 AM PST (Los Angeles) / 18H00 CET ( Paris)
Presenter: Ryan Story

Ryan Story will explore the process of developing, configuring, and deploying a legacy PowerBuilder app with Appeon Mobile that uses Mobilink/Ultralite technology to provide a consistent offline user experience.  In addition, he will discuss other techniques to make applications match current mobile app design practices and provide the user a seamless experience.

PowerBuilder TV Webcast: Appeon in 2015 & Beyond

6/18/2015 @ 9:00 AM PST (Los Angeles) / 18H00 CET ( Paris)
Presenter: Armeen Mazda

This session will outline the major capabilities of Appeon for PowerBuilder 2015, including demos of the biggest new features. See PowerBuilder functionality and UI faithfully replicated across multiple browsers. You will also see PowerBuilder extended with mobile-specific functionality, such as QR code scanning, mobile payment, and signature capture. Learn what Appeon plans to release in Q4, and about technology currently under R&D at Appeon’s labs that could make it to market in 2016 and beyond.